Save Energy With Office Equipment

Energy saving solution is a concern for every business, surprisingly, not only for the big companies. Even small firms use big chunks of technology for daily production.

According to statistics, 18% of the total monthly energy bill of a small business is said to be the energy consumed by office equipment like your printers and fax machines. In a larger scale, this means that no matter how small the business is, it still has its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.

If you plan to get copiers for your Boise office, you can opt to buy copiers or lease copiers in Boise. We can give you options for getting the copy machine that you want. You can contact our local copier leasing services department in your location.

If your location is around Boise, you may call us at (208) 449-0198, and our personnel for copier leasing in Boise will assist you. If you are also looking for copier repair services in Boise, you may contact our copier repair personnel with the same number.

You ought to start working on your energy bill if you want to save money to spend on other aspects of your business’ growth. You can decrease energy consumption by changing a few office behaviors when it comes to using office equipment. Another option is to invest in energy efficient office machines to help bring the costs down.

Do an inventory.

Run an inventory of your office equipment and keep only those which are essential for your production. You do not have to supply each employee with individual devices other than computers, remember that. Also, have your IT department network all computers to a single shared printer so you will only need one printer machine for all of you. All other stuff that is no longer needed can be auctioned off. A multifunction printer which offers additional features like fax and scanning is excellent to have so you can have an all-in-one machine.

Turn equipment off regularly.

Remind your employees to turn off all electrical devices once they leave the office, most especially on the weekend. Even during office hours, encourage them to turn off any unused equipment for the meantime.

Always edit before printing.

It will help if you make it a habit among your employees of editing their work using preview options prior to printing them out. The practice will not only improve on saving energy but also lessen the cost of using printing supplies like paper and ink.

Change desktops to laptops.

Desktops computers use as much as 80% more energy compared to the laptop models. The change might be a big step to take, but the return would bring huge savings for your business.

Look for the energy star-saving icon.

Energy Star is an international standard used to measure and recognize energy efficient equipment. Make sure that all your office devices are compliant with this.

Switch to power strips.

In general, office equipment and other standard electronic devices are using the “phantom energy” technology. It means that even if they are turned off after use, they continue drawing electricity from the primary outlet. If you attach your electronic devices to a power strip, on the other hand, you can quickly flick it off to entirely unplug them after use or before you leave the office.

Print in bulk quantity.

Photocopiers contribute a considerable amount of the greenhouse gas emissions, generating as much as 3 kilograms. Organize your printing jobs for each day by batch so you can decrease energy consumption.

Remind your employees to work as a team.

You need to work as a team to reach your goal. Educate your employees on their roles and emphasize their responsibilities by answering the question “What’s in it for me?”

Choose your printer kind.

Finally, inkjet printers use lesser energy compared to their laser counterparts. You can already start cutting costs by getting the right printer, call business copier solutions Boise specialists now.